Whats the best piece of advice Gangz have been given?
We’re loving your new track ‘Evils’. What’s the song all about it?
I wrote evils in my backyard at the start of lockdown, in about 2 hours, it just kind of came out naturally. it's about looking back & how there were times in my life when certain things have happened, losing people close to me & learning how to deal with something like that, and that feeling like you might not be able to get through it when it happening, but looking back it's those things that make you who you are today and to not shy away from those feelings but embrace them, and own that shit, even if it feels bad
I never usually write songs like this, they’re usually more about the melody/ vibe and less about real lyrics but I thought I’d make this one a bit more personal for a change
You’re from Ballarat, can you tell us what life has been like for you in lockdown? Have you created any new songs or picked up any new hobbies?
Yes! without giving too much away. However, we’ve got new tracks ready to go. I’ve actually been able to keep surfing through a bit of this, also I have bought a couple of film cameras, so I’ve been taking heaps of photographs, trying to get my artist side happening. As well as working, which passes the time.
Who would you consider to be the biggest influence on your music and why?
My mates, I feel like all my friends are into so much different music, so it's kind of nice to draw inspiration from everywhere
Best piece of advice you have been given?
Always be cool and nice to the sound technician. This is my advice to me
What’s one thing you’d like people to know about Gangz?
We love you, all the people/fans that have been supporting us, listening to our music and getting around our vibe, we feel the love and we luv yas, bunch of legends. Also all of our songs so far have been recorded in my kitchen… that’s kind of cool