A quick chat with Eli Greeneyes
Can you tell me a bit about your inspiration for ‘21’
21 is about changing and growing into yourself as an individual and young adult, and being bloody terrified in the process. I realised that I had been running off steam out of trauma and anxiety of things that happened to me as a kid, I was just depressed and quite a careful almost jumpy kid…. and looking back on that at the time of writing this song I felt like I had been wasting thinking about shit I was afraid of. I wrote this one in a bout 15 minutes. First thing that came out was that “HELLO, IM A WEIRDO HERES A SONG” part and I thought that would be the verse and I would then write a chorus n all that. I just couldn’t get that first bit outta my head so I just sang it again after I just fumbled the verse out and was like “that’s it!”. Those are my favourite songs!, the songs that come out so quick it’s almost like somebody dropped the whole song in your lap……That’s why I always say EARS TO THE SKY! you gotta keep your soul open and ready for that shit!
What are you influences and how do they effect your songwriting?
To be honest I’m way too easily influenced so at the moment I’m trying to not listen to anything but my own music so I can pave a clear path for myself creatively, I guess I work better with limitations. I grew up with my parents CD collection which consisted of greatest hits and compilation cds so everything to me needs to sound gigantic, Artists like Avril Lavigne and Alanis Morrisette. I clearly went through a massive brit pop phase not that long ago. So yeah Oasis, The Verve and when I was in Melbourne writing the first 10 or so songs I was listening to a lot of punk shit! bands like McLusky n that!
What’s the creative process like for you?
Very quick and usually easy . If I go with 100 percent my instinct and it’s all coming out almost too fast and I’m stressing a little to get it all out in time, then those are usually the ones I keep! Then I start with drums when I produce and go from there. I’ve got a mate of mine now making the beats for me (Shmoony) he’s an absolute weapon at production and he’s on board for the rest of the songs that will be coming out I think which is awesome cause I just get to concentrate on the lyrics and the songs!
If you could change something about the Australian music industry what would change?
I don’t think I would change much, I think I would just add things! Australia is a mix of so many different people and races from so many different cultures and influences! So I’d like to see more indigenous and world music from all cultures on a larger platform In Australia ! world music seems like a logical step! If its fucking great just follow the music no matter where it’s from and who’s singing or making it! I do see that’s starting to happen now anyway!
What do you think life would be like for you if you didn’t have music/visual art as an outlet?
FUCKING DULL! And also I would just be a container of anger I reckon! I need this outlet so I can get shit off my chest and feel better about certain things! I started writing and playing music as a distraction from things that were happening to me and around me as a kid! I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, Music as an outlet has saved my life countless times! Yep, that’s an ugly truth but as honest as it gets! Without it my world would be without colour.
Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?
Haven’t even thought about that one aye! hmmmmm I think Avril Lavigne I’ve been smashing her record LET GO again which is one of my favourite records as a kid for sure! I think we could make amazing music together, I know she’s a lot bigger than I am but I can write songs man! Also 2nd thought is I would love to also write with Thom Yorke! he’s just amazing at chasing the feeling in music!
What’s your advice to young people who want to make a career for themselves in the industry?
Stop talking, start doing! and all those people who say you won’t be able to do it?, do it despite them! Fuck em if they can’t take a joke and you don’t get what you deserve you get what you settle for!
Who’s the most interesting person you’ve worked with/met?
My mate, Shmoony, from a production team called IMMORTAL!
He’s just all talent and instinct ! making music with him is like drinking water! how it should be aye!
Favourite hangover cure?
A swim in the ocean! shit yeah!
Any plans for a tour on the cards?
definitely plans for it! live shows are such a massive part of this project. We’ve played a few shows already and I’m so excited to show it to more and more people! I wanna see how they connect with these songs man cause that’s the point!