Arty Ziff - KEY LANDSCAPE [High Res].jpg

Hey Arty Ziff! Congratulations on the release of your new single ‘Thought About You’ Feat. Fractures!

Can you tell us a bit about the writing and recording process for this one?

I used to sample op shop records and collage them together, but late last year I decided to go in a different direction and also avoid any potential legal issues… 

‘Thought About You’ was one of the first tracks I made in this new direction, it was a creative burst after messing around with a Serum synth. After that initial idea, I just continued to layer sounds and textures on top of everything. When I was happy with the structure and sounds I asked my good friend Fractures to kindly lend his vocals on top. He very graciously accepted, from there the song just really took off. It was made during the first Melbourne lockdown period so all of this took place online. 


And what’s the track about?


Thought About You is about someone looking back at a past relationship and reflecting upon the good and bad times.


How did you get into production?


A few years ago a friend gave me a version of Ableton, after a lot of failed attempts I finally watched a couple of YouTube tutorials and I was hooked. I had a eureka moment when I realised all my favourite house tracks were just made with just samples, It really took me down a huge rabbit hole. Love a good YouTube tutorial. 


With restrictions easing in Melbourne, what are you most looking forward to doing? 


I’m already overwhelmed with the possibilities! I’ve noticed a lot of people can’t wait to go to the pubs but I really can’t wait to go to a cafe and enjoy a flat white. And I guess seeing my family...


What should we expect to hear and see from you next?


I’ve got some songs lined up for early next year and maybe releasing an EP mid next year hopefully! I’ve been working on a live set as well, when we’re allowed i’ll be playing around Melbourne for sure!
