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Hey PLANET! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us. How are you?

I’m really good! Despite everything that's happening in the world right now, I’m feeling very clear and focused. 

You’ve had a pretty huge last couple of years, touring with the likes of Liam Gallagher, The Charlatans, and James here in Aus, as well as some huge international appearances including a tour with DMA’s in the UK and Europe, and selling out your own headline shows.
What have been some of the highlights for you?
Do you have any particularly fond memories on the road that you can share with us?

All the touring we’ve done over the last couple years has been really eye opening. The opportunity to share the stage with some of those acts really lets you hone in on your own craft and bring the best live shows you possibly can to fans. I’d say our UK headline tours in general have been a massive highlight for us. We’ve got a really good team behind us now and being able to travel overseas, playing in all these cities some of us have never been to before with rooms full of people we’ve never met before is a really humbling experience. I think my fondest memory from the end of touring last year was coming back to Sydney and playing a final hometown show to a sold out Lansdowne. No matter where touring brings you across the world, I’ve found that it's the hometown shows with the OG fans, friends & family that really cements everything that we do and love.

We understand COVID-19 has had a very real impact on your plans for 2020.
How have you been dealing with the changes in plan, and what are you hoping 2021 brings for PLANET?

Look, at first we actually kind of took a step back from everything. It was nice to have a short break and rejuvenate as things can start to get a bit weird between everyone after spending hours and hours all year round together.  Matty and I have been using all the extra time now to work on the next release. There’s nothing like coming back to a project with a fresh set of ears and some much needed rest… We’ve got a few things lined up and some really exciting news for next year so fingers crossed we can hit the ground running in 2021!

Despite the pandemic, with restrictions easing in NSW you’ve been able to sell out some intimate shows at Mary’s Underground, and are gearing up for two shows in one night on December 19 at The Factory Theatre. How has it felt returning to the stage, and what can we expect from the December shows?

Being able to play shows again was awesome! It really connected us back together again after the break. I think the most interesting thing for us was to rewrite our entire set for an intimate show. You have to play for the room, we didn’t want to roll in there and blow everyone’s heads off as they sat down at a candle lit table... The Factory Theatre shows will definitely be different. It’s the first time we’ve had an opportunity to put on our own show in a bigger space with a bigger stage. We’re stepping up the production and really want to leave people with a new live experience from us.

Where can fans purchase tickets, and where can new listeners find you and your music online?

Tickets are available now at the link below and we’ve been told they’re selling really fast!

All our tunes & videos can be found below:

Spotify | Apple Music | Youtube
