What does 2021 look like for Brad Cox?

Brad Cox, you have your very exciting album MY MIND’S PROJECTION coming out on November 6 – can you tell us about the inspiration behind the album?

This album is pretty much a snap shot of songs I’ve written over the last three years. A relationship I was far more invested in than her, some crazy trips across the country, and a heap of great memories hanging out with some of my favourite people.


You recorded the album between Australia and Nashville, what has that experience been like?
I recorded the album with producer Matt Fell in Sydney here in Australia and had a bunch of remote players from both Australia and the states put their flavour with various instruments on the record. It’s super cool to be able to outsource some of the best players in the world via the internet. It was cool !


How have you approached the making of your new album differently to your last?

The last album I was so unsure of the process of making a record. I’d not spent much time in the studio at all so was very much reliant on Matt’s expertise to put the first one together. The new record was so different as I was much more confident throwing ideas in the hat and speaking up about things I liked and didn’t like. Matt and I have since become great mates so it was so awesome to be able to hang out with my pals and really enjoy making this new record.


How have you been doing through COVID-19 without the ability to perform?  Have you taken up any crazy hobbies?

Covid sucks! So many folks got pro-active and started doing live streams and writing over the internet. I got the shits for a fair few weeks and drank and smoked my way through them. I think I needed it. After that I went back to work for a little while and stayed right away from a guitar. But I think it was really good for me because after those few months at work, it kind of made me accept that there was no one to blame for the shutdown at that time and got organised to start thinking of ways to keep this truck rolling and doing what I could to keep the dream alive.


What are your three favourite things to do when you’re not doing music?

I love fishing 

Hanging out with my mates

And more fishing


If you had to use five words or fewer to tell listeners what to expect from the new album what would they be?

Gear down and buckle in


What does 2021 look like for Brad Cox and what are you most looking forward to in the new year?

I hope to god we can get back to playing shows like normal. I miss my band and crew and playing small capacity shows it’s just not feasible to put them on the road and that saddens me a lot.  I hope to get back to the states as soon as possible to continue working with the crew over there.


For Brad’s tour dates and to stay up to date visit:
