Bo Jo Jones and the Great Lummox tell us a bit about Gods of the Gallows?

 Hey how are you guys? Let’s start with the basics. Where did the names come from?

 The Great Lummox: Is a combination of two conflicting traits of my character. My love of intense performance, grandiose showmanship and theatrics mixed with general laziness and absurdity. The name represents the music jumping between serious and deep subject matter, whilst maintaining a strong link to chill Australian vibes.


Bo Jo Jones: I can’t answer that. I’m not sure who the hell he even is.


Describe your sound to someone who would struggle to understand music.

 The Great Lummox: Much of the lyrical content is an expression of my inner thoughts coping with whatever my mind is going through at the time. I’m highly inspired by experiences and people I meet in my life, especially those who are driven to pursue their art or dreams or whatever their passion they hold onto tightly. Sometimes that kind of passion can drive you bonkers. I love music and sometimes I hate it. That’s the roller coaster we are riding on and the music pulls you along through that.


Bo Jo Jones: I don't think anybody struggles to understand music. At a base level it expresses and evokes emotion. All I can say about our music is that it's unfiltered. There's no outside influence - no label, no aspirations of fame or glory - no ulterior motive. We make the music that represents ourselves, and we’re not doing it for anybody except ourselves.


What was your first musical memory that made you think - this is what I want to do?


The Great Lummox: One of my uncles could play guitar and when he would play the simplest little two note harmony I was mesmerized. Everytime I hear a band play, listen to the radio, watch a good movie, hear someone struggle to play pan flute for the first time I get pumped up for music.


Bo Jo Jones:  In terms of first memory - I can remember vividly seeing Green Day live in 2005. For the record Green Day are fucking sick. I was transfixed by them. More so than the show itself - the fact that they could reach so many people and have such an impact on them that they pack out this stadium halfway across the world.


Can you tell us a bit about Gods of the Gallows?

 Bo Jo Jones:  The inspiration for the song began a couple of years ago now. We were walking around the parkland near our houses late at night, generally minding our own business - myself partaking in some co-curricular activities - strictly non-delinquent... I think. Long story short, the police arrived. Cue GTA-esque 2 star pursuit. With the home field advantage we managed to escape... and that formed the basis of the song.

I sampled an Iraqi santur for the main sound of the beat. The whole thing came together in only a couple of hours. As soon as Lummox heard it he started penning lyrics about our encounter. Listen closely and you'll hear the details. 

Fun Fact: the film clip for Gods of the Gallows retraces the steps of that evening (sans police)


The Great Lummox:  Gods of the Gallows narrates a typical panic attack I frequently enjoy to shake up my life and mental state. Usually this is spurred on by a lull in musical output or my constant wandering and unsettled mind. On this particular occasion I managed to burden myself with the double whammy of lamenting lost love and my frustrations/anguish of writer's block. A real feel good track the whole family can enjoy.


What is your studio space like?

 The Great Lummox: A mess. I like to work in new spaces when writing. Places, faces and moments give me ideas and inspiration. Unfortunately, by the time I’m done the space is usually a mess.


Bo Jo Jones:  I've transformed the front room of my flat into a bona fide studio den - topped off with LED fairy lights and enough incense to smoke out Buddha. Every guest gets a Polaroid put up on the wall.


 Top five things that you love outside of music?

 The Great Lummox: 

  1. Sport - Backyard cricket + ping pong up there as favourites

  2. Beach - Mother nature is a badass

  3. Mountain Goon and Zombies Christmas Eve Edition

  4. Anything competitive - I’ll pretend to not care if I win, but deep down I must win.

  5. Music - I’m always thinking about music, even when im not thinking about music.

Bo Jo Jones:

  1. My girlfriend, my parents and my friends.

  2. Tripping over rollerbladers with sticks 

If you can name 5 things you love outside of music, I don't think you really love music.

Describe your music as if you were telling someone over 60 about it.

Bo Jo: Just a couple of kind-hearted lads making honest, soulful music for the youth of today to enjoy. “Real music by real people”.

The Great Lummox: The soul and dedication of jazz with the help of computers.

What is a movie for you that has an amazing soundtrack?

Bo Jo: 500 Days of Summer by a landslide - in terms of a compilation soundtrack. For a scored soundtrack I love anything by Ennio Morricone… so let’s go with The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

The Great Lummox: Star Wars for sure. May the force be with you.

Gods of the Gallows confesses the paranoid ramblings of the Great Lummox underscored by the gifted but tormented offerings of Bo Jo Jones. The song pulls you into the world of night shadows, busted lips, police cars and love lost that marks a new domain in Australian hip hop.
