What is the perfect day for LIV LI?

Where did your name your name from?

t's a combination of two very special people that I love very much.

What is your idea of the perfect day? 

I live a very busy life, juggling many hats so for me a day without a plan is perfection. A day with no to do lists, no deadlines just a day to be. Throw in a beach and I'm dreaming.

What is your go to song for:

Relaxing: Mended - Vera Blue

Dancing: My Sharona - The Knack

Waking Up: Perth - Bon Iver

Tell us a bit about Under My Skin?
Under my Skin is all about those feel good chemicals and natural highs you get falling in love. You when you're falling in love. Wine tastes sweeter, nature feels as though it's speaking to you, every song feels like it's about you, you just feel things on a deeper level. That person is the centre of your world, you could stay up all night talking or spend a day together saying nothing at all. Under my Skin is thinking back on that time of falling, of feeling so intensely and saying goodbye to your heart.

What’s next for LIV LI?

Got a whole bunch of new music that I'm itching to get out there and a whole bunch more I'm ready to record, so will be moving into a pretty hectic release schedule. 2020 will be all about new music and getting out and performing the tracks live both locally and interstate. I want to step up the live performances and better connect with those that are enjoying my work and just play play play!!

Under my Skin is a reminder of the fragility and excitement of a new relationship and how intoxicating it can be.
