St. Christoph & Shaade on their newest single, their upcoming EP, good times and good rhymes.

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Sydney’s neighbourhood cool kids St. Christoph + Shaade just released their third single titled Casual, taken from their upcoming debut EP. Combining their unique blend of funk and new jack swing with a vocal nod to early 90s hip hop (both in genre and vibe), Casual is a soundtrack to a summer fling on a white sand beach, lined with palm trees and seaside bars. 

Steadily growing their presence as good-vibe curators both nationally and internationally, St. Christoph + Shaade are looking to release their debut EP in the last months of 2020, guaranteeing their place in many a playlist throughout summer 2020/2021.

We thought we would sit down with them and have a chat about all things their new single, fashion and of course the preferable’s in the 90's.

Congratulations on the release of another dope single, you guys seem to be spreading some really nice summer vibes amidst a really hard year. How did you guys have to adjust to creating music during the pandemic and the other insane things happening in the world this year?. 

(Shaade) Fur coats in the COVID times! Hahah working on this project and leaning into this collab has been a saviour during this crazy time. The creative process itself is a little bit of escapism, so getting excited about writing and making music has been a good haven from what's been a total mid F***. We genuinely love this project and creating, maybe more than any project we've ever worked on.

If we can bring the good vibes then hopefully it shows in the music and can extend to whoever's listening.

Talk us through your inspirations, there is  a lovely nod to the 90s in everything you do, but how did that come about? 

It’s really us feeding off that 90s/2000s energy. So much of that era music is subconsciously embedded in our taste that it’s really what comes out naturally. So it’s not like we’re striving to keep up with the Joneses and follow trends so to speak, we're just doing what we think is natural and leaning into it. I think that takes the pressure off us “following trend” and takes it back to a pure creative place. 

Inspo wise for me it's starting with Jazzy Jeff / Fresh Prince era (Code Red was my CD), De La Soul, Tribe, SkeeLo, Snoop and G Funk moving into the 2000s with the Neptunes, Ja Rule, Outkast, Jay Z, Fabolous, that whole golden era of Hip hop and R&B. You know a lot of new artists seem to be taking inspiration from that sound now and sampling it into their music. It’s not just us taking that inspiration haha 

We are frequent stalkers of your instagram (in a good way) and we love some of the fashion choices like the big furry coats and Starter caps. Does fashion play a major role in the themes of St Christoph & Shaade?

Haha St Christoph actually lives in that fur coat. It goes hand in hand. That’s our style inspo and our actual wardrobe so it’s not a front. That's what dominates most of our online chats, even with our manager Guy. What do you think about this jacket? What do you think about this vintage piece? These shoes? This website? etc etc. it never stops. 

Just like the music I think the vintage fits inspo is good, but I think I'm drawing the line at the giant suits Jordan and co are wearing in the last dance. you never know we might bring that back too. 

We’re actually eyeing making some moves into some clothing designs that’s more than just merch for us. Don’t hold me to it. But it’s on the horizon. 

Ok, Now the hard hitting questions. Who do you prefer: Biggie or Tupac, Mario 64 on Nintendo or Sonic The Hedgehog on SEGA and last but not least Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs? 



Tupac, even the OG versions on youtube. The body of work is unmatched.

Sonic as I was a sega kid

Pulp fiction def 

Apart from the EP what's on the horizon for the world's most iconic duo?

Hunting for some more clothes, making some more music. 

Wrapping this ep up we have the next EP mapped out and half done. All the beds and ideas are there. More evolving of our sound, more collaborations, more good vibes. Leaning into our music community.

We’re enjoying the slow burn of evolving and growing with each release. 

We love that people are already along for the ride now with the minimal songs out. We've got some good tunes in store that will hopefully keep everyone guessing and wanting more :)
