What’s next for Apollo Blue?

So Apollo Blue, love the new track, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
How would you describe your music?

I’m a cancer and I like long walks to the club. No, i’ll answer properly haha I’m a singer/songwriter who grew up in country SA with big dreams. After going to my musical idol, Lady Gaga’s concert in 2014 my life was changed forever when she read my personal letter aloud in concert and invited me backstage to meet. We spoke about our love for music, especially Jazz greats Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald and I left so inspired and made a promise to myself to put all my energy into following my passion and becoming an artist. I changed my year 12 subjects to Drama & Music as soon as I got home, and then moved interstate to Melbourne for music school as soon as I finished high school. It was in Melbourne where Apollo Blue was born in the nightlife and I haven’t looked back since.

Tell us about Moonchild, what’s the story of this track?

Moonchild is an ode to self empowerment and personal power. The story follows an ominous character, The Moonchild, who comes alive at night to rescue people from their loneliness and pain. It’s a rock n roll fantasy that takes place in a wintry storm full of metaphor and theatricality. Although represented as a character in the song, The Moonchild represents that powerful part of ourselves that can get us through our most difficult moments. The song urges the listener to find their inner Moonchild in their darkest moment, in the middle of their storm. I believe when you connect with your own personal power you can find true freedom.

Can you tell me a bit about your inspiration for Moonchild?

I had left a grungy rock gig in Melbourne and was walking home from the train station. It was pouring with rain but I was still reeling in excitement from the nightlife, nothing could bring me down. I noticed a woman on her balcony alone drinking wine, and saw a telescope next to her. I wondered what her story was and what she thought of me, this platinum blonde racing through the storm in silver and black glitter pants. I created an entire narrative in my head and as soon as I got home I went to my keyboard and turned it into a song, Moonchild.

What’s the creative process like for you?

It really changes with every song for me, but my piano is definitely like my pen. Sometimes a song will start to form by just playing on the piano and I will develop from there, whereas other times, like Moonchild, the story and lyrics come first and it’s just about transferring that feeling and sound in my head into music. Another song of mine was written about a dream I had repeatedly for a year, and every time I woke up I would write more lyrics about the dream. Writing is unique in that there isn’t one right way to do it like a maths formula, it can start as a feeling, a riff on the piano, a dream or even a person you meet.

Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with?

If I could sing with Stevie Nicks or Lady Gaga, I think I would pass away peacefully shortly after. I respect them both so much as artists, they would be my ultimate collaborations. I also love Lana Del Ray and think we would make some really interesting, poetic, sad music together. I’m really drawn to great storytellers.

How did you get your start in the music industry?

My first paid gig in music was performing live. I walked up and down the streets of Fitzroy, Brunswick and Footscray introducing myself and pitching my music to bar owners or anyone who would listen. I wasn’t having luck with email responses and wouldn’t take no for an answer because I knew i had something to offer, so I went in person! Slowly, some kind bar owners gave me opportunities and from there I made sure I gave 100% every gig until they became a bit more regular and I didn’t have to door knock anymore.

How has your music evolved since you first began playing?

My confidence as a person and an artist have grown a lot since I was a timid 12 year old country kid teaching myself piano and I think that shows in my music. I started music by playing piano and writing poetry but it took me a really long time to build up the courage to sing infront of people. When leaving my family and hometown at 18, I spent a lot of time working on my voice, developing my songwriting and learning more about harmony. My music has evolved in that it is now self assured and exists in it’s own unique lane.

If you could change something about the Australian music industry what would change?

We need to support Australian artists more and specifically pay more attention to female and gender non-confirming artists of colour and queer artists who are making some of the most unique and creative things in Australia. There seems to be such a disconnect between the incredible diverse artists playing live and the artists who get played on radio or get media attention, it’s really strange and sad. Also, there needs to be accountability for men in the industry. It’s not funny or acceptable to make a woman feel uncomfortable or to sexualise them when they are just doing their job. The amount of sexual harassment is appalling, we need to start treating women with the absolute respect they deserve. That includes Trans women and women of colour too, not just the women who look like you. 

  Do you have anything that you would like to add?

Just a huge thank you to every person who has played “Moonchild”, come up to me after a show and really connected with my music. You inspire me to push forward and pursue my dreams.

What’s next for Apollo Blue?

World domination, queer empowerment, female empowerment and Indigenous empowerment. Just small stuff you know. 
