The collaborative process with Aydin Sayar & Montgomery

Congratulations on the new single! How did this collaboration come about?

A: Thank ya! Well, Montgomery was at my house for my birthday party and stumbled upon my Juno-60 synth and she was like a kid at a toy shop. She started having a play and just came up with these really awesome chords. Without her knowing, I just started recording them haha. We just kept working on it from there. P: Yeah I think that night we got the chords and bassline down and then the rest came together pretty effortlessly over a few sessions. It was very casual so to hear where it is now, it feels good.

How did you come up with the lyrical theme of ‘Missed Calls’?

A: On one of our writing sessions we were trying to come up with a vocal hook, and Phoebe just started singing “Why do you call me after nine?” Her partner and I kinda looked at each other like, “oh yeah that’s it.” From there ‘Missed Calls’ was just a natural progression. P: I actually have a note in my phone of potential song names, “Missed Calls” was in there and felt like it suited the song and the inspiration for the chorus came straight from that. 

Did you have any other songs or artists you took inspiration from when making this song?

A: Phoebe and I are very into Beach House, we actually met at a Beach House gig now I think about it. The soaring lead string synth parts are very Beach House and Tame Impala inspired. I wanted to keep that dreamy element so that’s why there is a lot of reverb used throughout the piece haha. For myself, I was using ‘Yes I’m Changing’ of Tame’s ‘Currents’ record as inspiration. 

Has the pandemic changed the way you make music or collaborate with other artists?

A: Indeed. The good thing is I have more time to write more, but it’s important not to constantly consume yourself with writing because I believe it can cause burnout. I have done a few Zoom writing sessions which have been different and fun!

P: I’m nervous about doing Zoom sessions! I think Aydin and I were lucky we started this one when we did because it was born through a real hands-on collaborative process. 

If you could pick anyone (dead or alive) to collaborate on a song with, who would it be?

A: I mean it’s pretty obviously Kevin Parker for me. Having been a fan of his for years and years, he just continues to amaze me. It's been so special to listen to the evolution of his writing. 

P: Aydin Sayer was on my bucket list so I can proudly tick that off.
