What can we expect from the Hanlon Brothers in 2021?

Hi Hanlon Brothers, what have you been up to this year?

Other than social distancing and consistently sanitizing hands, we have been solidly in the studio writing and experimenting with new sounds and ideas.  Omar has been finishing his music degree learning production techniques and recording techniques. Ruka has his 2nd baby on the way and is due any day now!  But with the closing of clubs we have had a lot of time to focus on our original music. 

SOLAR was a hit, and your current single ‘Show Yourself’ is doing well after only releasing 4 days ago - What’s the difference between the tracks?  

Both had the same producer, P.T. Parcel, so sonically are similar.  ‘Show yourself’ was mixed by Arona The Producer who also produced the international hit ‘Swing’ by Savage.  

‘Show Yourself’ has more of a backbeat as opposed to the soundscape of ‘Solar’. (Show Yourself) also has a distinct hook and structure. It’s slightly more commercial but still has raw elements.

What’s your favourite thing about being a musician?

Definitely the lifestyle! Waking up and doing work is something you love, so it doesn't feel like work. Also creating and experimenting with sounds. It really is an amazing life!

If you could work with anyone on music, who would it be and why?

Kanye West, to us, he’s always ahead of the times with hip hop production and everything he touches is gold!  There's also Dr Dre who’s an O.G. of hiphop with his production and writing with Kendrick through to Eminem to N.W.A.

When you’re not playing music what are you doing?

Mostly spending time with family and friends or hanging out down the beach. We grew up in Burleigh so the beach life has been bred into us. We also have covers bands, The Vybez and 42Band which also take up alot of our time.

What can we expect from you in 2021?

We will definitely be more active in dropping new music that we are working on during our ‘Covid’ sessions. Also a mini tour in the works!
