What does the future hold for Mammals?

It sounds like the last couple of years have been hectic for you. What’s life been like since “Animalia”?

It’s been an awesome ride for sure. Looking back on those early years I feel like I have grown up a lot. I wish I could go back to my younger self and shake him and say “Chill out it’s all good, just let it happen’. I was so serious and stressed pushing everything. 

I was working in a recording studio in Sydney for 6 years while discovering and developing Mammals, which was an amazing time in my life. In 2016 I moved down to the South Coast of Mollymook to reset. I was partying pretty hard and got burnt out. I had to sacrifice the music scenes and opportunities Sydney offered, but I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s the best part of the world here. 

I’ve done a huge amount of traveling and worked on some amazing projects in music for Mammals and Tv series and film while surfing as much as possible. It’s a beautiful lifestyle in Australia for sure.

What has your music process been in the middle of quarantining during COVID-19? Has it changed for you at all?

I have found it pretty hard to work on Mammals during quarantine. My studio is in my flat which also shares the living room and kitchen. It’s hard to find the zone or late night sessions when my partner and I are living together. I did rent a space for a few months but it didn’t quite work out. 

Having said that, there has been an opportunity to step back for a moment too. I needed some time to breath from music. Now I feel I'm hungry and the fire is back for more. 

You’ve gained a loyal following, with your 2017 single “Depraved” featuring in the season finale of ‘How to Get Away with Murder’, as well as touring and collaborating with Vera Blue. What’s the secret to connecting to a vast range of audiences?

I’ve found the songs which are received the best are the ones that are a reflection of yourself created totally in the vibe. Depraved was created in this underworld. I was so in the zone on this musical journey. It felt like the song was composing itself in real time. 

The process was just raw and I think people can gauge that when listening to it. I was in a bit of a dark place internally when writing the song so I just rode that theme to see how dark I could take it. Kind of like a horror film or score.

You do film scoring, that’s so cool - Can you tell us what your favourite one to create was and what was it for?

Recently Michael Yezerski and I composed the score for Informer 3838, an Australian television series focusing on criminal barrister-turned police informer Nicola Gobbo and her involvement in the Melbourne gangland killings.

 We were pulling the craziest sounds from guitars and electronics to help the pictures which are amazing. The story itself is unbelievable. With crime, we had the free frange to be creative while composing. The process of experimentation was wild and so fulfilling. 

Tell us more about the process and meaning behind your latest release “Alive”. 

Alive was a co-wrote with Pj Harding, one of Australia's gun writers. A few years ago we had a session together getting down the 1st verse and chorus with some super simple piano. We were doing our own thing and didn’t get a chance to link up to finish the song for ages. It was almost forgotten until I played the demo to another artist Drew Carmody (LDRU) who brought it back to life. We went on to produce the track together. 

It’s a heartfelt moment, reaching out to that person, longing for a connection and a hope that they felt it too.

What does the future hold for Mammals? What should we expect in 2021?

2021. What a trip. It's here already! Hopefully we get our dancefloors back and they stay open. I feel like the music industry has a way to go to recover. We are all in this together, so let’s get out there and support music! I’d love to get Mammals back on the road touring. We were about to hit the road when the fires happened then covid hit. Until then I'll be writing and making the most of this life we have. 
