What’s next for Mylk? 

We’re loving your new single ‘Snooze’. Can you explain the inspiration behind the song? Who produced the track?

The main idea behind the track is the idea of when your alarm goes off in the morning but you keep hitting the “Snooze” button – I feel like we’ve all been there. The legendary Colin Wynne of Thirty Mill Studios produced this track for us. He is a master at what he does, and made the track come to life.


Your previous singles have blended different genres like alt-rock, punk, acoustic folk to pop, how would you describe this new single to readers?

The best way to describe this new track is relaxed and groovy evocative of The Go-betweens. It’s meant to take your mind off your worries and just make you relax and have a good time.



For those people who don’t know your history, when did Mylk start playing and writing songs together? How did you all meet?

Harry (lead guitar) and Nathaniel (Lead vocals and guitar) were good friends at school and occasionally would jam together. When Nathaniel was offered a gig to play solo he asked Harry to join him and said “It’d be cool to get some drums and bass to play with us”. Harry then talked to two uni friends Julian (Bass) and Ewen (Drums) who said they’d love to play. After one rehearsal and a gig at The Catfish, Mylk was born.



2020 has been a volatile year for the music industry especially for Melbourne musicians, how has isolation affected your touring plans this year?

2020 has taken its toll on a lot of people from every industry. We are lucky enough to be in a situation where we don’t rely solely on music for our income. We had planned multiple gigs earlier in the year, as well as a tour later this year, which may have to be put on the back burner for now. However, it has given us time to write more new tracks and get some more songs under our belt for when we can get back out and play again.



What’s next for Mylk? 

We want to keep playing and keep recording and releasing more music. We all love playing together and want to keep playing for as long as we possibly can, and hopefully that means we get to play bigger shows all over the world.

‘Snooze’ - Mylk
