Where would Garrett Kato rather be?

Photo: @mosandco

Photo: @mosandco

Tell us about Moon?
Moon is kind of the centrepiece for the EP. I wrote the song looking at the sky in Australia and I was missing my home back in Canada. I noticed the stars were completely different from Canada, but the moon looked the same. It’s basically the only piece of home that I can look at each night.

How are you keeping occupied during this isolated period?
Been writing, reading and looking after my kids. I’ve been enjoying the break from the rush of modern living. Feels almost like different time all together. I do miss playing music for people though so I’ve been doing a fair bit of live streams on my socials. 

Seeing as you can't go anywhere at the moment? Where would you love to be?
Probably Vienna, such a magical city with a rich history. I love classical music too and that’s basically the epicentre. 

What can we expect from the second part of your two part EP n. hemisphere
Stylistically it's so diverse, from full orchestras to piano ballads to rock n roll. It’s by far my most ambitious collection of songs to date. I’m excited to release these songs. 
