Iso-Chat with Timi Temple
1. Congratulations on the new single! Sounds like it’s got a pretty strong message behind it. Can you tell us a bit about the lyrics?
Haha thanks a big bunch! So pretty much, the idea of this song came to me during a bike ride earlier this year and as I was passing all the familiar locations I kept having flashbacks of conversations with my ex and eventually every little thing I saw on my ride reminded me of them in some way or another. Obviously this ruined my bike ride and when I got home my dog was barking at me, I yelled her nick name “lil jet” to quiet her down and realised that even my dogs name reminded me of my ex, so I exploded in frustration and wrote this song that afternoon!
2. Life as we know it is pretty different now. How have you been dealing with the pandemic? Have you been keeping busy in isolation with the release of your new song?
I think my daytimes have remained much the same, as I do music full time. I’ve been spending the days inside writing music and doing arts and crafts stuff, the night times though, oh my gosh, where I would normally be doing gigs or going out to gigs with friends 3-5 nights a week, now suddenly I’m stuck at home. I haven’t been a serious gamer in over a decade but recently picked up a bunch of games to stay in contact with my friends (video chat hangs got boring real quick haha)!
Releasing a new song was, honestly, as much for my fans as it was for myself - having the milestone to work towards has been an important marker for me during this time so I don’t end up spiraling into oblivion without any direction or momentum!
3. What are some of your favourite activities to do in isolation? Any good TV series, movies, book or games you could recommend?
If you’re a fantasy book worm, I honestly whole heartedly recommend you read Robert Jordan’s - The Wheel Of Time series. If you prefer exciting books, Aussie, Matthew Reilly writes some amazing stuff (along with US counterpart Tom Clancy).
Briefly mentioned above, but I’ve been playing some games recently too. I downloaded Call Of Duty and actually put my gamertag up on my Insta story so my fans could link up and have a shoot with me. It’s been a really cool bonding experience between myself and my followers, and its especially cool because I’m actually terrible at games, so having fans carry me has kinda swapped our roles around!!
4. If you could be stuck in isolation with one person dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Oh, I’d probably want to hang out with Keith Haring during Iso and do as much painting/art with him as possible. I’ve always had my own unique art style and this might sound blasphemous, but I only discovered K.H after painting my first guitar in snakes. A fan asked if I was influenced my KH’s stuff and I looked him up and fell in love! L O V E - so yep I’d like to learn everything I could from him!
5. After this is all over and you can start performing again, can we expect any live shows from Timi Temple?
Two words… HELL YES. Heaps of live shows with HEAPS of new music.