
Don’t Bring Stacey has become regulars on the Adelaide gig circuit, building a solid reputation of high octane energy, leaving everybody in attendance at one of their shows a sweaty mess. Garnering an array of support early in their career from an extremely loyal fanbase the boys have grown to gather close to 100,000 collective streams as well as gathering the attention of industry heavyweights. Fostering their love for indie / alt rock, skating, and of course the finest, coldest brew of freshly squeezed, sweet, sweet lemonade, these four best mates are finishing off 2020 with their new single Waiting For It.

We thought we would sit down with Jordan, Nik, Kyle & Angus to talk all about their new single, wild shows and heaps more.

Congratulations on the latest release guys. Story time, tell us, how Don’t Bring Stacey came to be?


Angus and Jordy first met at primary school and then reconnected later when they were both hired to play guitar for the same artist. Angus was writing a folk album at the time, just for the hell of it (and because he was a sad and heart broken 19 year old) and asked Jordy if he wanted to play drums on it. They jammed the songs but they all just seemed to sound better as indie rock tracks so they decided to start a 2 piece. Nik and Jordy were at school together so he was added on bass not long after. We had a good thing going so we gigged around and released our first 3 singles like that. We felt for a while that we wanted to flesh out our live sound, having only one guitar in the band meant we couldn't have all the parts in our songs going at the same time! We looked around for a guitarist for ages but we couldn't find anyone that fit into the mix of DBS. Then one day we were showing our producer all these drum demos on Kyle’s Instagram and he was like “well why don’t you just get Kyle to play drums?” It was a real DUH moment for us and now Jordy’s shredding it up on lead guitars and we’re a happy little quartet family.


What was the process in bringing Waiting For It to life?


That’s a great question. I’ve had the progression and a gazillion, different choruses for it laying around for about a year or so. And I was obsessed with this idea of creating a song that sounded like a happy anxiety attack. So I had these two ideas I was trying to shoehorn into every song we wrote but none of the results were good so we shelved it.


I think probably a few months after that I was having a conversation with my mate’s girlfriend trying to explain to her how I was feeling and she just wasn't getting it. At the time I felt like I was falling way behind everyone and I ended up asking her “Well, when was your first kiss?” That flicked a light bulb and the whole song was basically just built around that one line, I wrote nearly all of it that night I reckon.


In the studio, we spent a lot more time on production ideas then we have in the past. We basically wanted to step up our game in every way possible. And after a cheeky little Angus Purvis breakdown where I rewrote all the verse lyrics on the day of… we had the track done.


You recently just sold out and played a show at JIVE in Adelaide, which is your hometown! You guys are known for a really energetic set. Which one of you guys is the most wild during a show and why?


It’s hands down got to be Jordy. He’s already a super energetic and chaotic person but once he gets those 7 pre-show red bulls into him… it’s just a lot to handle honestly!! We all just cross our fingers and hope we don’t get taken out from a stray guitar swing.



OK, now the hard questions: Who is the funniest and why? Who is the most annoying and why? & Lastly who has the best fashion sense and why?


We’d all like to think we’re funny but in actuality I don’t think anyone really finds us funny! We definitely all just bounce off each other and at least crack ourselves up into a mess when we are together. Or in the group chat, or by ourselves…


At band practice Nik and Jordan are definitely the most annoying, between tea breaks every 5 minutes and just general messing around it's certainly a time and a half. We love them tho, we swear…

Any other time it's Kyle because he’s the drummer and that’s what drummers are for.


Most fashionable is definitely Angus because we all just steal his clothes most of the time. Nik is also literally a caveman and Jordan just copies what Angus is wearing… and then puts a cap on.


What's on the horizon for Don’t Bring Stacey?


We’ll be putting out more music early 2021 and gigging our hearts out. We just want to keep getting better: writing better songs, playing better shows and evolving always. We’re striving to be constantly improving and I think that really drives us. You haven’t heard the best from us yet and you definitely haven’t heard the last.

Waiting For It will be available on all platforms worldwide on Friday 6th November 2020.
