1. Congrats on the new song! Tell us what it’s about?

I like to leave the listener to interpret and create their own story from my lyrics, I like to dance around what I’m trying to say without trying to say it directly. ‘Hollywood’ is about being an aspiring artist in 2020, the opening line of - “woke up on a street, 10 miles away from Hollywood, I’m so close in the race but what I taste really ain’t that good”, is basically saying that while we are so close to being where we want to be in our careers the fact of the matter is that we just aren’t. There are other facets of the song’s lyrics that are intricately more personal that I’m happy for you to figure out on your own and if you ever bump into me on the street, we can have a yarn.

2.  What is The Phazes process when it comes to writing a song? Is there something unique about it?

Our songs usually start out in Hayden’s bedroom with him and an acoustic guitar. Generally, he has a pretty good idea where he wants the song to end up sonically and brings that to us at practise. Most of the time the song is probably at about 75% at this point and collectively we round the song out, each adding our own stamp to finish the song off.

3.  You guys have had a lot of success when it comes to performing and touring. What has been your favourite live performance as a band and why?

That's very kind of you to say. Obviously, we are always striving for more and never really feel satisfied with where we’re at as a band and I think that’s important. We opened for Good Doogs at the Lansdowne in Sydney in 2019 which was sold out and I think we all rank that as our best experience live given the response and amount of people there. We also opened for Thirsty Merc at an outdoor Pub in the Blue Mountains which was pretty surreal. “In the Summertime” has never tasted so good.

4. Who can play the most instruments in the band?

Will can play pretty much everything and is our token engineer when it comes to recording and organising equipment. He’s a pretty talented fella.

5. After this pandemic settles down, can we expect to see you guys on stage or even touring?

Most definitely. We’re stinging to get back out there. For us, playing live is our bread and butter so it has been difficult sitting on the sidelines not playing. We’ll have a new arsenal of music to deliver too so keep your eyes peeled. 

Click to stream ‘Hollywood’
