Holiday Party's day to day routine


First thing’s first, how are you holding up in iso at the moment?
Can you give us a rundown of your day to day routine?

I’ve been just attempting to build a healthy routine. It’s a work in progress seeing as the days are just rolling into each other, so anything that resembles a regular shape is the goal. Dedicated work hours/exercise/scheduling/eating right. Initially (like many friends) my idea was to write as much as possible seeing as we are all stuck at home... but that didn’t work. The realisation came pretty quickly that I needed to process what this new world was before feeling the motivation to be creative again. I’m starting to find it now.       

The big news: your latest single Let Down is now released! How are you feeling about it and looking ahead?


To be honest it’s a strange & bittersweet feeling. I’m really happy with the track. Myself, Mel and all our collaborators put so much into making it happen and I feel like it worked. That being said – releasing a track feels like dropping it into the ocean. Especially now. It’s kind of like “Well that’s done… good luck!” then you have to move on to the next thing and keep creating. We hope it means something to people out there listening. 

How do you think your future selves will look back on Let Down and the forthcoming album as part of your story?

I think to actually “hear” what something you worked on is you need at least a year break from it. So I’m looking forward to revisiting this album. What I am super proud of is that everything is the way we (Mel and I) wanted… without having to settle for anything. It’s all one story and I hope that years from now I can forget everything that went into this album and just be a listener. Put on headphones (or whatever we listen to things on in the future… speaker implants?) and experience it anew. If anyone else gives it a listen I’d be happy.  

Reversing that, what do you think your 2010 selves would say about your current careers and lives?

Career-wise - “Everyone was right… pursuing music as a career is futile, buy stocks in Zoom and Amazon! Immediately!”

Life-wise - “Wash your hands more often.” 


And finally, time for the real question: Red wine or white wine?


Red for evenings, white for mornings. 

