Can we expect more music from Friendless soon?


What an awesome track. Such a cool collaboration! What was it like working with Jade Alice and how did you guys meet?


I was introduced to Jade through my publisher Simon who organised a virtual writing camp for about 20 writers from Australia, UK and Europe and we worked remotely using the interwebs. I probably shouldn’t say this but of all the days the one with Jade was by far the best. I had the concept for Intoxicating (then called Living With Vultures) and the second I heard Jade’s voice and abilities I knew she was PERFECT and boy did she not just nail it but she just seamlessly understood exactly the vibe we were going with very little introduction. Seriously formidable artist and a wonderful human being. 


What was it like creating this song during the pandemic? Did you experience any difficulties trying to collaborate with Jade without being face to face?


Some of the sessions that week would have benefitted from the face to face elements, but Jade and I’s session was perfect insofar as we’d spend 20-30 mins on a call discussing various things and then sign off and do our thing. We had a 90% finished eructing by the end of the Friday and my record label - Be Rich - had signed off on it by the Monday. Seriously a dream.


Can you tell us a bit about the organisation ‘’Heaps Decent” and the work you do with the kids?


I was super fortunate a few years ago to work in Detention Centres with Heaps Decent running workshops for incarcerated kids. It really changed me. Fast forward to now and both the GM of Studios 301 Ronny Haryanto and myself are trying to set up a program at the studio to offer free workshops for under privileged kids. Mentorship and role models are so important, hopefully we can reach more and more kids and use a focus on music as a preventative measure as once they get pulled into the system it is extremely hard to break out of. 


How did you start making music? Has it been something you always knew you were going to do?


Yeah apparently, I asked my mum for a guitar when I was 6 years old and that was it. I went on to join the school bands then I was in a prestigious stage band on trumpet. High School my friends and I were in a Pop Punk band called Loki and we were signed when I was 15. Good times. It’s just something I’ve always done.  


Can we expect more music from Friendless soon? 


ABSOLUTELY. I have a few collabs and club tracks coming out on International house labels every few weeks until the end of the year and I have 3 more singles to follow Intoxicating ready to go! The lockdown has been an extremely productive time for me. 


Friendless -  ‘Intoxicating’ ft. Jade Alice - click to listen
