Who is Isaiah Firebrace's dream artist to collaborate with and why?


Love the new track, Know Me Better! What’s the meaning behind the song and how did it come about?

Thank you! Know Me Better came about during lockdown and it was the first time I had done a writing session remotely. The DNA guys were in Sydney and I was in my studio in Melbourne and we used a software program to write and record live between the two cities. It was a bit strange at first but we were all really happy with the result. I love this song and the production and I really feel like it represents me and the direction I want to go in with my music.


So many people have been finding new hobbies during lockdown, what have you been getting up to during this time?

        Lockdown was the first time in three years that I felt like I had a break so I really used the time to stop and reflect on everything that has happened in the last three years. It’s been so good to reset and work out my goals for the future and really think about music and my direction. I’ve also been doing a lot of cooking and making lots of homemade burgers.


You are the most successful First Nations male pop act in Australian history, what does this achievement mean to you and does it play a role in the way you create your music?

        It feels weird hearing that because I still feel like I’m really new in the industry and at the start of my career but yeah wow it’s amazing to think that I have music that has connected with so many people. I don’t think about any of that stuff though when I’m writing  I just really want to make music that I’m proud of and music that I know I would listen to.


Once the world begins to return to normal, where’s the first place you’ll want to go to?

        Awww I miss performing so much so it will be great to get back on stage and be with my band. I also really want to see my family down in Portland and go out and have some fun so not sure what the first place will be but I can’t wait to get back out into the world again.


Who would be your dream artist to collaborate with and why?

        There are so many artists I would love to do a collab with but the dream would be to do something with Mariah or Beyonce. Well if 2020 has turned out this way then anything is possible I guess so I’ll keep dreaming!!!
