What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened backstage after a Beddy Rays gig?
Firstly, where are you and what are you doing?
Right now it’s a sunny Friday arvo in Reddy Bay, us boys have all knocked off work and sipping on a quiet beer.
You are proud Redland Bay fellas. Name something that is undeniably iconic about Redland Bay?
The most iconic thing about Redland bay would have to be the pub! It’s right on the water, it serves delicious cold beer and people flock from all over the Redlands to visit it because it would have to be one of the better pubs in the area. The original reddy bay pub actually burnt down back in 1926 but it was rebuilt into the pub that we all know and love today.
Your last track Sobercoaster is doing very well. It has been tipped as a Hottest 100 contender. What do you think about that?
Honestly that would be so epic! We’ve always been fans of hottest 100 especially since the date has changed its now a day we can celebrate great music. To even make it in the 200 would blow our minds!
Let’s talk about your new track. Better Weather hides the topic of despondency and depression amidst a wash of upbeat bops.
[I don’t really wanna lie this time, But I know I’ll get better. It’s a pretty shit day outside, But it's perfect weather]
Can you talk a little more about this?
Yeah totally! I find this subject important to talk about as it happens all around us every day! Sometimes no matter what’s going on in the world around you, you just can’t find it in yourself to show up. Someone might flake, someone’s just not up for it. The line “It’s a pretty shit day outside, But it's perfect weather” was a small way to sum the song up. It may be a beautiful day out side but there’s a storm inside your head. Its just our way of telling people to check in on there mates, even a quick phone call can go a long way!
Name the three things you need most when you’re feeling down and out?
Friends, family and music!
What inspired the cover-art of Better Weather?
Well we have a mate, Keegan Byrne, who is bloody weapon of a photographer so we had a stalk of his photography page and found this sick picture of an old Brissy house that looked pretty weathered and we thought it would tie in well with the song.
You guys are a really fun band to watch live. With live shows tracking along at a slow pace at the moment I’d love for you to reminisce.
Taking a trip down memory lane, it would be silly not to mention when we got to play a music festival in Thailand back in 2019 with Dune Rats, Hockey Dad and Verge Collection! Was definitely one of the best experiences we’ve had as a band going to a different country and playing a bunch of tunes to a completely new audience! Not to mention it was Benny and Lewy’s first time leaving Australia so it was pretty awesome to have that as their first trip overseas!
Do you have any pre-show traditions?
We actually have never had a pre-show ritual of sorts – Its more of a mental game to drink the perfect amount of beers before we play. Too little too stiff, too many shit riffs.
What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened backstage after a gig?
When Brad had a few too many red cordials and forgot he lent his bass to Byron band ‘Mini Skirt’, A few songs in Brad started raving to us about how shocked he was that they had the same bass as him. He was literally gobsmacked bopping along to the music with a big old grin on his face. It wasn’t until after the set he realised that the bass was his all along. Was a crack up!
What’s your favourite song to perform live, and why?
Definitely sobercoaster because of the hectic singalongs! It’s also just a whole heap of fun to play live
I’ve seen the promo video for Better Weather and it looks like you had a lot of fun filming it. You have been mates since primary school. Have you ever had any big fights or is it one big love story?
Oh we’ve had countless petty squabbles over the years! One time we got real heated over a distortion pedal which was quite silly looking back. None big enough to drive a wedge between us though. We’ve got a set of gloves out the back on the trampoline for when things go real pear shaped but
What do you do when you’re not writing party anthems?
When we’re not drawing inspiration from old scratched up so fresh cd’s, we’re working full time jobs which takes up a large chunk of our time. We love going to see gigs and fezzys, getting on the beers in any given situation, going camping, fishing and we love watching the footy too.
Last question: Can you share any future plans? Any upcoming music that we can get excited about?
We really wanna do a big tour of Aus at some stage! Possibly even a sneaky euro trip could be on the cards but no promises as of yet. As for upcoming releases, we are working towards another EP which will hopefully drop some time in 2021 so keep an eye out for that!