
Loving the new track ‘Nervous Breakdown’, such a catchy song! What’s the story behind the release?


Everybody thinks it’s about being locked up in isolation, which is funny, because I’ve had these feelings for quite some time! It’s really about relationships and how you build something up with someone, but it can all crumble in a second and tear your guts out.


What’s it like in the studio with Philadelphia Grand Jury? Have you got anything special about your writing process? Is it a long process?


           It seems to either happen in 5 seconds flat, or take a really, really, long time.     

           We are lucky to have access to my studio, Golden Retriever, which has

           fantastic equipment, so we often write while set up for recording, with     

           headphones on etc. Then if the song is feeling good, we press record and it’s

           kind of done.


How are you guys going during the pandemic? The music industry has taken a big hit throughout these times. How have you guys been staying positive?


           Musicians are survivors so we’ll always be ok. We’re like cockroaches

           surviving through nuclear meltdowns. Most of the music business is

           comprised of scumbags who will probably die out, but luckily there will be  

           more scumbags to take their place.


Can we expect live shows from Philadelphia Grand Jury after restrictions ease?


Oh yeah. We are getting ready. The venues are on hold. I’ve been doing Pilates. Bring it on.


Who can play the most instruments in the band?


            MC Bad Genius, who is not really that smart. Keys, Guitar, Bass, Drums,   

            Saxophone, Trumpet. Terrible singer though.

Philadelphia Grand Jury just dropped their new single ’Nervous Breakdown’ - click to listen