Iso-Chat with SoSo


Wow, things are completely crazy at the moment! How are you guys going with isolation, feeling bored or are you managing to keep busy?


So far, we’ve had a three-man house party (housemates only) which caused more damage than any of the pre-COVID house parties we’ve thrown. Had a competition for the best-worst facial hair, attempted (and failed) to grow herbs in a beer can, rekindled our UFC 3 competitions on Xbox (livestream to come) and we now all count ‘walkies’ as some sort of reward and special outing. Mark Wahlberg said it best in ‘The Other Guys’ – “I’m a peacock man, you gotta let me fly”. Please can lockdowns end….


How has it been as a band? Have you guys had any difficulties trying to communicate or even see each other like you normally would so often? Has it had an impact on you?


Well we’ve all got heads for radio, so it’s been nice not having to see one another. Nah I’m kidding, fortunately a few of us live together so we’ve been able to get some practice in here and there. We had a period where we couldn’t practice due to lockdowns, but we’re back practicing now. The social distancing thing is nothing new for us, why anyone would want to get closer than 1.5m to any of us is a mystery.


What are you looking forward to most about things getting back to normal?


The holiest of holies, the night of all nights, the weekday wonderland – Steak Wednesday at the local pub. Seriously, $15 steaks with the lads/ladettes is pure heaven and being deprived of that is just so not loco. Ya feel?


As a band, if you all had to be stuck in iso with one person dead or alive, who would you pick and why?


Well we’re definitely gonna pick someone who’s alive – being stuck inside with a dead person would get a little gross after a while.


Serious answer– Carole Baskin’s ‘missing’ ex-husband - at least then we’d know if he’s dead or alive. The people need answers, we deliver. 


How do you guys think Covid-19 and the closure of so many venues has impacted the music industry? Do you think it will come out the other side even stronger?


It’s hard to say, but we hope people are keen as for live Aussie music. People will probably be craving that sense of community that they’ve missed out on during lockdowns – something some of them used to get from going to local gigs. I think The Dead Love’s new banger ‘My Friends’ sums it up pretty well – “I miss my friends and I miss how it used to be”.

 SoSo - New Single ‘(Shit) Love Story’ - click to listen