
Congratulations on the release of your EP ‘Remedy’. Tell us where you drew
inspiration from when writing it?

I started a long-distance relationship a few years ago which took a bit of a toll on me emotionally. I used to be driving home from another state after seeing my partner and would record voice memos on my phone of melody ideas I had. 'Remedy' initially was inspired by the start of my relationship with my partner but evolved into so much more than that. It's not just about romantic love but about any love - father and daughter, friends, siblings - overcoming doubts or reservations in life, and having that special person along for the ride with you.

You released your first EP back in 2016. How do you think this EP differs to
your last?


I definitely think I have grown as an artist and my personal style has ripened. Originally influenced by brooding, RnB artists, I have come to enjoy and feel its natural borrow from all styles of music I listen to and appreciate. To me it's created a unique brew of different elements and mood overall which is truly my own sound.

You’re so talented! You have an amazing voice. Has music always been a big
part of your life growing up?


Ah, thank you! <3 absolutely. My dad used to teach my brother and I weird offbeat nursery rhymes and we would always sing in the car or along with the radio (as Brady Bunch as that sounds, it's a cherished memory of my childhood). My brother and I adored the Spice Girls growing up and would throw amateur Spice Girls concerts for our neighbours. And then throughout high school I was in the state choir or singing with the guys who played guitars and walked around the school playground (you know the ones). I went to a performing arts high school, so yeah, I guess you can say music has always been a big part of my life!

How have you been going throughout this global pandemic? It can be super
hard to isolate from others both mentally and physically. How have you been
dealing with it?


Oh honestly, first to put my hand up and say it's been fu*ked. I think for young people, marginalised people, people of colour, and the arts especially, we're the ones suffering from everything going on and we're the ones who will continue to suffer. It's just been a hard year to stomach, but I think the best thing anyone can do is accept and acknowledge that we're going through unchartered territory - be kind to yourself, do all the usual mental health things - exercise, sleep, check in on loved one - and support one another, be understanding. 

What can we expect see from Quails moving forward? Any big goals for the
rest of 2020?


If the world doesn't implode? (sorry). I am always working with other artists in Australia and abroad. I have done a bunch of work on drum and bass tracks, which I am oddly really enjoying!  The likelihood of live shows this year is slim, but maybe I could look into streaming something for those interested! 
